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Event Cancellation insurance experts

Event Cancellation insurance provides coverage for unforeseen circumstances that cause your event to be cancelled or postponed. Whatever and whenever the event - be it a global sporting occasion, music festival, conference, exhibition, local village fête, or exclusive client hospitality - many factors you control can be undone by the ones you don’t.
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Who needs Event Cancellation insurance?

As an event organiser, sponsor, brand owner, broadcaster or exhibitor, you invest significant time, resources and costs in order to deliver a successful and memorable event. Success comes in many forms but, more often than not, it includes achieving your event revenue target. Having the right insurance in place protects those costs, expenses and revenues should the unexpected happen.

Natural disasters, inclement weather, acts of terrorism, political crises, celebrity no-shows, or promotional activities exceeding expected value are just some factors beyond your control.

If something unforeseen interferes with your event, protecting your financial liabilities ensures you aren’t left out of pocket and can focus on implementing solutions or rescheduling your event.

Why choose Griffiths & Armour?

Based at our London office, our team of event and contingency insurance specialists have advised a wide range of clients on bespoke risk and insurance solutions for major events. With extensive knowledge and expertise in dealing with the unique risks and challenges faced by event organisers, our team has direct access to Lloyd’s of London and overseas insurance markets. So, regardless of the nature of your event, Griffiths & Armour can facilitate your event insurance needs locally, nationally and globally.

You can expect a dedicated Event insurance specialist who will work closely with you from the outset to understand your project and the overall objectives. Combining years of Event insurance experience with a comprehensive understanding of your project risks, we will collaborate with the insurance market on your behalf and deliver the precise Event insurance coverage you need, even for the most unusual risks that you may have thought were uninsurable.


What is Event Cancellation insurance?

Event Cancellation is a broad form of and the policy is designed to cover your financial losses following the cancellation, abandonment or postponement of an event.

What does Event Cancellation insurance cover?

Event Cancellation insurance provides cover for your net loss up to the limit following the necessary and unavoidable cancellation, abandonment, disruption or rescheduling of the event for reasons beyond your control and the control of the participants. It can also be extended to include cover for terrorism and adverse weather (for outdoor events)

How much is Event Cancellation insurance?

Each Event Cancellation policy is completely bespoke, but rating can start from as low as 0.4% on exposure.

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