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RBCAs (Formerly Approved Inspectors) Professional Indemnity insurance

You help your clients navigate a construction project by guiding them through the Building Regulation Approval process. In the event that your professional service or reputation are challenged, having the right insurance protection in place is essential.
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Why do RBCAs need Professional Indemnity insurance?

As a firm of professional Registered Building Control Approvers (RBCA), your reputation can take years to establish and only a few moments to lose. For any professional business, having a comprehensive insurance programme in place is vital, however the importance of an RBCA’s role in the success of any building project, and the depth of knowledge of the Building Regulations required to perform your unique services, can also leave you vulnerable to legal challenges and allegations of professional negligence.

Having the right insurance cover in place ensures you have peace of mind should the unexpected occur. The recent insurance challenges facing some Approved Inspectors have been well-publicised; it is vital to engage a broker and insurers who are experienced and respected in the sector, to help you to reassure your clients around the future viability and availability of sustainable protection.

Why should RBCAs choose Griffiths & Armour?

As the pioneers who designed the first widely available insurance placements that satisfied the distinct and specific requirements of the Building Act, our specialist RBCAs team continue to secure and deliver renewal terms for our clients despite the current market challenges. We achieve this for our clients through a trusted and proven reputation in the insurance market.

Proactively working with our insurer partners, we have developed a number of exclusive arrangements that are carefully tailored to meet the individual needs of our range of construction clients. This includes an approved scheme providing the regulated cover required in order to perform the role of an RBCA and ensures long-term sustainable PI cover remains available to our existing and new RBCA clients.

Which classes of insurance should RBCAs consider?

Professional body relationships

Griffiths & Armour works with a number of professional bodies and organisations, both to support our clients’ interests and also to build our own knowledge base and profile with regards to important issues in the construction industry.

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Contract Review Service

Legal helpline

Griffiths & Armour offers a legal helpline providing direct access to sector-specific expert solicitors for our clients with Professional Indemnity insurance.

With offices across the UK and Ireland, you can receive immediate legal advice on issues like negligence allegations, draft agreements, and commercial disputes at no additional cost.

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Contract Review Service

We help you make informed decisions on mitigating contractual risks. Our team of experienced brokers and contract reviewers provide specialist advice on all types of construction contracts, from standard forms to bespoke documents, letters of reliance through to Novation agreements.


What is Professional Indemnity insurance for RBCAs (Formerly Approved Inspectors)?

Professional Indemnity insurance – also known as PI insurance or PII – is intended to protect professionals and their businesses in the event of claims made by a client (or third party) suggesting that they have suffered loss as a result of non-performance, breach of contract and/or professional negligence in the services provided.

In addition, the policy will cover legal and other costs and expenses incurred in the defence of any claim. Professional Indemnity insurance provides the ultimate safety net when all else fails. However, like any other safety net, its use should be avoided as much as possible.

Does Professional Indemnity insurance cover Public Liability?

No, Professional indemnity insurance is a class of insurance in its own right. Whilst similar losses may be covered under both classes of insurance, the purposes of the policies and the circumstances in which they respond are very different. Professional indemnity insurance is designed to respond where the claim has arisen from the provision of professional services.

Is physical injury covered by Professional Indemnity insurance?

Professional Indemnity is designed to cover the insured’s liability for a variety of losses. All insurance policies will contain limitations and exclusions but subject to such restrictions, Professional Indemnity insurance would be expected to cover the insured in respect of liability for personal injury arising from the provision of professional services.

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