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SubscribeAssociation for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE)
As of 1 January 2021, we became the ACE’s sole advisor on PI Insurance. Our activities include participation in the ACE Legal & Commercial Group quarterly meetings. We provide PI updates at each session as well as answering any questions on industry issues, most recently these have related to fire safety/BSA, climate change and cyber.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI)
We act as the sole PI Insurance Adviser to ACEI and Engineers Ireland, working with the Risk/PII/Procurement Committee, which is operated as a joint committee between these two bodies. Our role is to assist the Committee and others on liability and PI insurance issues impacting upon the profession, providing:
- Updates on the insurance market – underwriting and claims trends
- Guidance for members on risk and PI-related issues
- Participation at conferences and CPD sessions
- Support for lobbying activities and advice on proposed changes to legislation
- Engaging directly with Government and individual procurement bodies
- Sponsorship of events
British Insurance Brokers' Association (BIBA)
Griffiths & Armour has been a member of the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) since 2006. BIBA is the UK’s leading general insurance intermediary organisation representing the interests of insurance brokers, intermediaries and their clients. It is the voice of the sector, advising members, Government, regulators, consumer bodies and other stakeholders on key insurance issues. We proactively work with BIBA to support their efforts, with a number of our team participating in key forums such as the Larger Brokers’ Advisory Board, the Insurance Brokers Standards Committee and the Liability and Accident Committee.
Construction Leadership Council
We currently sit on the CLC PI sub-committee and have been working with them for over two years on their work in trying to stimulate appetite for some form of Government intervention in the UK PI market alongside liability reform. We assisted with the delivery of two major surveys on the PI market, which illustrated the pressures the construction industry was under and were (and are) being used to stimulate the debate for reform in the sector.
Institution of Structural Engineers
Our relationship with the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) stretches back many years. In June 2023 we entered into a new three year ‘Strategic Agreement’.
The new agreement intends to frame the relationship around the provision of technical support and a collaborative approach on liability and PI Insurance issues affecting the profession and to try and move it away from being seen as a ‘commercial’ three-year arrangement.
UK Government
We have been called upon to assist with the response to the ‘fire safety crisis’, supporting our trade body BIBA, in their submissions to central Government. From putting across the message as to the challenges in the sector, to devising and recommending solutions, we have actively supported BIBA in their manifesto commitments to improve the availability of PI insurance to Construction professionals.
Scottish Government
We have advised the Scottish Government on how new roles under the revised Building Regulations can be implemented, putting forward traditional and more radical ideas as to how the liability environment and, consequently, the insurance environment can be improved to stimulate appetite for the new roles.
Office of Government Procurement
We have been active in supporting the Irish Government in their drive to improve the environment for Construction professionals and have been a significant contributor to the work which saw the OGP publish ‘standard’ limitation of liability in construction contracts.