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Griffiths & Armour Professional Risks mock mediations

11 October 2024

Griffiths & Armour Professional Risks recently produced two mock mediation events in partnership with Kennedys Law – one in central London and the other in Manchester city centre.  

The dramatised, fictitious scenario related to a claim by a disgruntled homeowner against her builder and professional team – both architect and engineer – concerning a multitude of defects to a newly built home which the homeowner alleged needed to be demolished as a result. 

The script touched upon a number of significant legal issues, including some recent case law, and illustrated how they might affect the outcome of a complex and high value multi-party construction dispute.  

Both events were well attended, and the team were delighted to receive positive feedback from clients and guests: 

“I just wanted to say how impressed I was with the presentation and mock mediation carried out by Griffiths & Armour yesterday. It was very enlightening, and the interaction was great too. Great effort put into it by all.”

“I thought the mock mediation was absolutely brilliant.”

“I enjoyed it immensely, learned / confirmed quite a few useful points for me.”

“The Mock Mediation was a hit, definitely. You should make a tour out of it across the country – seriously!”

Stephen Hargreaves, Professional Risks Director at Griffiths & Armour commented:

“It is a real pleasure to produce events which are of value to our Professional Risks clients.

The aim here was to present on serious and relevant topics in an engaging and thought-provoking way, hopefully with some wry humour thrown in. The mock event series has always proved to be popular – the format offers a sneak peek for our clients on a process in which any of them could find themselves involved at any stage of their professional careers. The questions and debate at the end of the session are testimony to how invested the audience are, and the feedback after the event is fantastic.

I would like to thank our clients and guests for attending, and also Kennedys for their support in delivering two innovative events which proved to be hugely valuable.”

 To register your interest in future Griffiths & Armour events, and to receive Insights and News direct to your inbox, please register here. For further information and support, please get in touch.


Stephen Hargreaves

Professional Risks Director
