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Griffiths & Armour launch Constructing change: Evolving the status quo or time to reset?

7 November 2024

On Tuesday 22 October, the Griffiths & Armour Professional Risks team launched their latest publication, ‘Constructing change: evolving the status quo or time to reset?’ 

The event brought together clients and professional and industry bodies to discuss issues covered in the publication at an intimate roundtable session, followed by a panel discussion and networking drinks reception.

The publication identifies and addresses several pressing challenges faced by the construction, insurance and legal sectors that were highlighted and discussed at a series of roundtable events held by Griffiths & Armour in 2022/23. These challenges were singled out as being major barriers to our client’s ability to operate and their long-term sustainability.

Craig Roberts, Partner and Group Director said:

The overarching recommendation of Constructing change is for the construction, legal and insurance industries to come together in an open forum to explore just how we are going to unlock the genuine collaboration required to deliver the ‘systems thinking’ approach at the core of the Building Safety Act and address the climate change emergency.

As the executive summary makes clear, the aspiration, intention, and commitment of this work by Griffiths & Armour lies in facilitating a shift in thinking and action across the sector.   We want to move our clients’ focus from the burdens of worrying about contracts, liability, and insurance to a stronger emphasis on allowing them to deliver better, more sustainable outcomes for their clients.

The publication details a number of key issues stemming from fundamental problems in the construction supply chain, the legal sector and the insurance market and highlights a number of proposed solutions. These solutions are not definitive but provide a good basis around which to start the vital dialogue needed to create change.

This dialogue has started; the key will be what happens next: how are we going to work together to move from dialogue to concerted action?

You can download a preview of the publication here. If you have any questions about the contents of this article, please reach out to Craig Roberts.

To request a full copy of Constructing Change, please complete this form.


Craig Roberts

Executive Director, Professional Risks Division
