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Griffiths & Armour partners with Ground Control to bring Alder Hey gardens to life

24 March 2025

To mark Griffiths & Armour’s 90 year anniversary in 2024 and have the opportunity to work with two of our valued clients, the general insurance division teamed up with Ground Control to provide Alder Hey Children’s Hospital with an area of planting as a permanent contribution to the hospital grounds.

G&A funded the planting of an area next to the Catkin Building, an impressive community, mental health and outpatients building – and 90 specially selected plants, trees and shrubs were planted by Griffiths & Armour, Ground Control and hospital volunteers.

Carl Edwards, Executive Director at Griffiths & Armour commented:

“The team were delighted to volunteer their time to roll up their sleeves and do some digging for a long-term project in a very special hospital here in Liverpool. We hope that as the hedgerow grows, it will be part of the new landscape around Alder Hey for the next 90 years. Many thanks to Ground Control for their help on this project.”

Ground Control helped to facilitate the works, and the trust is delighted that a rather uninspiring area will be transformed into a wildlife haven as the plants take root – enhancing the grounds for both visitors and patients for years to come.

Gary Pettigrew, Construction Manager at Ground Control said:“It was a pleasure to work with the Griffiths & Armour team to plant a hedgerow alongside the Catkin Building at Alder Hey. It was a morning well spent – and thankfully the weather was kind to us too.”

Kieron O’Toole, Senior Capital Projects Manager at Alder Hey Children’s NHS added: “I’d like to thank Griffiths & Armour, Ground Control and our many volunteers at the hospital for donating both their time and resources. We look forward to watching the hedgerow grow over time and become a fixture of the new grounds of the hospital.”


Griffiths & Armour Volunteering with Ground Control | Griffiths & Armour

Griffiths & Armour thanks Carl Edwards, Martin Hawken, Penny Lyon, Julie Hunt, Beth Parkes, John Smith, Jacob Howarth, Debra Heaton and Ground Control’s Gary Pettigrew for picking up a spade and completing the task in record time!

For further information, please get in touch.


Debra Heaton

Head of Marketing
